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Which Nipple Cream Is The Best Nipple Cream?

If you’re about to start your breastfeeding journey, you may be getting to the end of your checklist of things you’re going to need for your baby. But what about you? What do you need when he finally gets here?

If you’re planning on breastfeeding for the first time, you won’t be aware of the possible side effects to this beautiful moment.

When I gave birth I was super eager to latch her on. But after the first feed, it left my nipples sore and cracked. Mainly this was due to her being tongue-tied, but this wasn’t diagnosed until she was 6 months+.

Whilst on the maternity ward, a midwife gave me a large handful of Lansinoh samples to try after my daughter had finished each feed.

If you can imagine the softest, lightest silk touching your nipple then this is what this cream felt like. It was heaven on earth and definitely contributed to my long breastfeeding journey. Now reaching two whole years!

Use it in small doses, or cake it on. But you will find after the first few applications that it will start to heal.

Remember to wipe the cream away before every feed (nobody likes the taste of cream before a meal).

This product is currently just £5.99 at Boots* and I have personally found these tubes last for ages depending on your usage.

NOTICE: If you’ve been struggling with your journey, remember it is normal and that there are lots of people out there who can help. Contact your HV or midwife, seek their help in a breastfeeding support worker and have your latch checked.

You can purchase your miracle nipple cream here!

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