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My Experience As A "Young" Mum

I don’t normally define myself as a young mum. I’m just a mum. I went through labour, I did the night feeds, I feed, dress, clothe and love my baby just as any other mother does so I don’t know why it needs another label… especially considering no one refers to older women as an “Old mum”.

Ever since I was pregnant I knew I never wanted my age to define what kind of mother I am. There are many stereotypes that get thrown about regarding young mums and I’m determined to not follow or be associated with them.

When my lovely bundle of joy turned 4 weeks I was determined to get out there and meet some other mums, despite still being a little sore and sensitive. I felt it was important to give my boy the opportunities other babies were having… so as I walked into this baby group not knowing a soul to about 15 older women who all seemed to have their shit together It’s safe to say I was petrified. My voice trembled as I introduced ourselves to the group and babbled on – I don’t even know what I said but I know it went on a little too long. All the other babies were a few weeks older and lively and communicating whilst my little babs snoozed his way through the class… “What have I done? I’ve rushed into this I don’t belong here.” I thought on a few occasions, but as the weeks went by I felt a sense of pride in myself for putting myself out there whilst feeling so vulnerable for the sake of my baby boy.

When I’d just had baby an older lady came round visiting and looked at the baby and then me and said “I still think you’re stupid, at your age I was working” I was gobsmacked, embarrassed angry and hurt all in one. The assumption that because you are a young mum you have no aspirations in life is ridiculous. I have an education behind me, worked in a doctors surgery on an apprenticeship and have full intentions of some more qualifications and a career behind me sometime in the future, and the best part is I have PLENTY of time to do so.

My favourite quote is:

“Being a young mum means we met a little early, but it also means I get to love you a little longer.”

And if there’s one promise I can make to my lovely boy It’s that you will not notice any difference than you would if I was your 40 year old mother…


A PROUD “young” mum.❤

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