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The Bump, Baby & You Messiest Kids!

Does your child seem particularly adept at getting themselves into a right bloomin’ mess?

You’re not alone! The mummies over in our online parenting community really pulled through with their photos submissions for the Bump, Baby & You Messiest Kids showcase! We hope that these absolutely hilarious photos of food explosions, make-up disasters, mud malarkey and general craziness helps you to feel like you have some solidarity!

The Bump, Baby & You Messiest Kids

Bernie Thomas

My son decided to feed himself Spaghetti Bolognese and instead he played with it and it went everywhere, he was so proud of himself.


Amy Denning

My little girl raided my makeup!


Danielle Dick

We thought painting would be a good idea.


Hallie Bellew

He found the sharpies in daddy’s work bag and wanted to paint his face like mummy does. Cheers kid.


Bethany Collings

Marcus’s first birthday.


Sarah Mountfield

Looks delicious… and messy!


Stacey Jackson

Someone had fun here!!


Carly Jackson

Wanted to play with her sisters makeup…


Sip Gallagher

My son Rudy after he took jumping in muddy puddles to the next level.


Laura Berry

Feeding himself spaghetti.


Ghila Andersen


Do you think your child could beat our community in the messiest kid stakes?

Send your photos into [email protected] for a chance at being added to our showcase!

Love from Katie & Team BBY. Xx

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