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May Babies - Names & Fun Facts

Are you due an May baby? Congratulations!

Just for fun, it's really interesting to look at fun facts about other May babies - birth stones, May flowers, celebrities born in May and Zodiac signs to name a few. Here are some interesting May baby facts for you all...

Birth stone: Emerald

Birth flower: Lily of the Valley & Hawthorn

Zodiac sign: Taurus or Gemini

Zodiac traits: Great listeners, very dependable, intelligent, social butterflies

Celebrities born in May: Adele, David Attenborough, David Beckham


Other Interesting May Baby Facts...

  • They're born lucky. Apparently, babies born in May are more likely to have good luck.
  • Studies show May babies are likely to be night owls! 
  • Being born in May seems to bring good spirits! Summer born babies tend to have an excessively positive attitude more than any other seasons

May-Inspired Baby Name Inspiration

For those of you who are strugging to pick the perfect moniker for your incoming bundle of joy, why not go for an May-inspired baby name? We've searched high and low for the most adorable, beautiful, classical and modern names for you to pick from.

After the month baby is born in

After the birth flower

From Mays star sign Gemini

After the birthstone

After Queen Victoria’s birthday

A male variation of May

After the Latin for 'fifth'

Means strong which is a Taurus trait

Taurus is an Earth sign

Means twin - Gemini's are the twin sign

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