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September Babies - Names & Fun Facts

Are you due a September baby? Congratulations!

Just for fun, it's really interesting to look at fun facts about other September babies - birth stones, September flowers, celebrities born in September and Zodiac signs to name a few. Here are some interesting September baby facts for you all...

Birth stone: Sapphire

Birth flower: Aster and the morning glory

Zodiac sign: Virgo and Libra

Zodiac traits: humble, practical, extroverted & friendly

Celebrities born in August: Zendaya, Beyonce, Nick Jonas & Niall Horan


Other Interesting September Baby Facts...

  • More babies are born on September 26th than any other day of the year!
  • Studies show September babies excel in school
  • Babies born in September-November are more likely to live to 100!

September-Inspired Baby Name Inspiration

For those of you who are strugging to pick the perfect moniker for your incoming bundle of joy, why not go for an September-inspired baby name? We've searched high and low for the most adorable, beautiful, classical and modern names for you to pick from.

After the birth flower

After the season

After the Italian name "Nona" meaning ninth

Means 'godly strength' - a great name to honour the Mother who has carried her for 9 months

A bright glowing orange gemstone, a nod to the leaves changing colour

September is the ninth calendar month of the Julian calendar

From the Middle English word 'asche' - meaning tree, perfect for autumm!

Portuguese word for brown - the colour the leaves will change to

Means linden tree hill

After the hunting season which starts in September

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