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October Babies - Names & Fun Facts

Are you due a October baby? Congratulations!

Just for fun, it's really interesting to look at fun facts about other October babies - birth stones, October flowers, celebrities born in October and Zodiac signs to name a few. Here are some interesting October baby facts for you all...

Birth stone: Opal & Tourmaline

Birth flower: Marigold and Cosmos

Zodiac sign: Libra and Scorpio

Zodiac traits: Extroverted, friendly, creative and loyal

Celebrities born in October: Kim Kardashian, Ryan Reynolds, Winona Ryer & Zac Efron


Other Interesting October Baby Facts...

  • Often more stronger and more athletic than summer babies!
  • October babies tend to live longer than those born in other months 
  • An October birth bodes well for future health, statistically speaking

October-Inspired Baby Name Inspiration

For those of you who are strugging to pick the perfect moniker for your incoming bundle of joy, why not go for an October-inspired baby name? We've searched high and low for the most adorable, beautiful, classical and modern names for you to pick from.

After the month they were born

After the birthstone

If they were born as a Libra

The colour of Autumn

The season they were born in

Means ‘red meadow’

Italian for brown

The name of a red crystal said to have a grounding energy, and is associated with the month of October

A little nod to Mars, which is the ruling planet of Scorpio

Scottish name meaning "small hollow" feels crisp, earthy perfect for an October baby


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