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Natural Baby Shower - THE Ethical Brand for New & Expectant Parents


Katie Hodgkins

Katie Hodgkins
I'm Katie, and I'm a mama, wife, and freelance content creator for Bump, Baby & You. I also help to run our thriving online community over in our Facebook support group, as well as volunteering for my local branch of the National Childbirth Trust. I'm a busy bee and enjoy keeping active, cooking, writing, and fun days out with my little family. My special topics of interest are... autism (as me and my son are both autistic), science, all things parenting and pregnancy related, and The Handmaids Tale!
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Read articles written by Katie Hodgkins
Poem: Mother's Heart


Poem: Mother's Heart

I loved you from the very start, You stole my breath, embraced my heart. Our life together has just begun You’re part of me my...
Poem: A Family Is


Poem: A Family Is

A FAMILY IS………. A Family is a Place To cry To laugh To vent frustration To ask for help And tease And yell To be...
Poem: These Are The Years


Poem: These Are The Years

These are the years, the gentle years the soft and sentimental years when wee little fingers reach and touch and little eyes gaze...
Leap Year Birthdays!


Leap Year Birthdays!

Leap years occur every four years; an extra day is added to the year due to our Gregorian calendar. If we didn’t do this,...
Periods & Breastfeeding


Periods & Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding and periods – this is one of the most talked about topics in our community! A lot of breastfeeding mums enjoy...
Real VBAC Stories


Real VBAC Stories

If you’re a mum who has experienced a caesarean section, you may have spotted the term ‘VBAC’ – but what...
Contraception Choices


Contraception Choices

Choosing the right contraception for you can be tricky business! There are so many to choose from, as well as so many things to...
Our Top 3 Baby Carriers


Our Top 3 Baby Carriers

Expecting a baby? Have you considered investing in a baby sling/carrier? Baby-wearing is becoming more and more popular with...
What is Preeclampsia?


What is Preeclampsia?

Pregnancy can be a trying time, especially when it comes to potential complications One of these possible complications that an expectant...
Real Rainbow Baby Stories


Real Rainbow Baby Stories

Baby loss is something that 1 in 4 couples will, very sadly experience in their lifetime. The arrival of a rainbow baby is often...
Our Christmas TV Guide


Our Christmas TV Guide

Planning on spending time relaxing over Christmas? You might be wondering what to watch on TV! Luckily for you, we’ve put...
No Chimney? No Problem!


No Chimney? No Problem!

No chimney? No problem! Santa can still find his way indoors… Parents who live in homes without a fireplace, or with an...
Why Mud is So Good!


Why Mud is So Good!

Mummies, daddies, I’m sure you all groan in despair when your children come in from outdoor play covered in mud. It can be a...
Anti Bullying Week 2019


Anti Bullying Week 2019

The 11th of November to the 15th of November is Anti-Bullying Week 2019. What is Anti-Bullying Week? Anti-Bullying Week is an...
BBC Children In Need 2019


BBC Children In Need 2019

The 2019 Children In Need Appeal Show is set to air on BBC One on Friday the 15th of November at 7:30pm. Will you be...
Recall Alert: Aldi Houmous


Recall Alert: Aldi Houmous

If you or your little ones enjoy Aldi hoummus, there is a recall alert that you need to see! Reason for recall: This is a...
Our Pumpkin Picking Trip


Our Pumpkin Picking Trip

This weekend, we went on our very first pumpkin patch visit as a family! If you’re keen to get some fabulous pumpkins but...
National Adoption Week


National Adoption Week

The 14th – 20th of October is National Adoption Week! Are you interested in adoption? Adopted yourself? Or perhaps...
Funny Parenting Fails!


Funny Parenting Fails!

Parenting is bloomin’ hard, I’m sure we’ll all agree! We all have moments of triumph, as well as moments where...
To My Son


To My Son

by Katie Hodgkins
You won’t remember the days you made me hide in the bathroom for a few minutes to collect myself. You won’t remember the...
Our Top Kids TV Shows


Our Top Kids TV Shows

If your child seems to watch the same thing, or is perhaps getting bored of their favourite TV show, there are plenty of other...
World Sepsis Day 2019


World Sepsis Day 2019

Friday the 13th of September is World Sepsis Day 2019. This is a topic relevant that is very relevant to many of us as parents;...
Organic September 2019


Organic September 2019

September 2019 is a month long campaign aimed at promoting organic living, and educating the public on organic farming practices...
When Scans Get Spooky...


When Scans Get Spooky...

When you think of an ultrasound scan, ‘spooky’ is the last thing you’d think of, right? Well, these mummies beg...
F*ck You Reflux!


F*ck You Reflux!

This poem about reflux is so powerful, and as a reflux mummy myself, it brings back many dark memories of watching my poor little...
Slime Recall Alert!


Slime Recall Alert!

This is an important warning for parents with children who love playing with slime… Tobar has urgently recalled two slime...
Poem: Never Enough


Poem: Never Enough

Poem: Never Enough Sometimes I know the words to say to give thanks for all you’ve done, but then they fly up and away as...
What is a Rainbow Baby?


What is a Rainbow Baby?

You’ve probably heard the term Rainbow Baby, and possibly wondered what it means. The term doesn’t have an official...
Poem: Daddy's Girl


Poem: Daddy's Girl

Poem: Daddy’s Girl When you were young, pony-tailed, face full of playful freckles, were you a daddy’s girl? I was. I...
Poem: My Dad


Poem: My Dad

Poem: My Dad When I was just a tiny kid, Do you remember when, The time you kissed my bruises, Or cleaned by soiled chin? You...
Poem: A Baby's Bath


Poem: A Baby's Bath

Poem: A Baby’s Bath A baby in a tub is a beautiful site to see, She giggles and she laughs while you make her clean as can...
Poem: Before I Was a Mum


Poem: Before I Was a Mum

Poem: Before I Was a Mum Before I was a Mum I made and ate hot meals. I had unstained clothing. I had quiet conversations on the...
A Poem About Broodiness


A Poem About Broodiness

Walking down the highstreet, window shopping (as you do), I can never fail to notice windows filled with baby clothes, Pink,...
DV and Me


DV and Me

by Katie Hodgkins
Bear and I live in a refuge and have done since June 26th 2017. I was scared and unsure about what to do next, I had so many...
Poem: Nanny Love


Poem: Nanny Love

Although I’m not their mother, I care for them each day. I cuddle, read and sing to them And watch them as they...
A Mother's Love


A Mother's Love

Poem: A Mother’s Love Your mother is always with you, She’s the whisper of the leaves as you walk down the...
Me: Mummy, Happy, Autistic


Me: Mummy, Happy, Autistic

(Disclaimer; autism affects everyone differently. My perspective may not represent your own experience.) When you think of autism,...
To My Grown Up Son


To My Grown Up Son

My hands were busy through the day, I didn’t have much time to play The little games you asked me to – I didn’t...
A Birthday In The Clouds


A Birthday In The Clouds

A Birthday in the Clouds Today, somewhere way up high, On a wonderful cloud up in the sky, Sits a great big chocolate birthday...
Presence, Not Presents


Presence, Not Presents

Worried that you haven’t purchased enough Christmas presents for your little one? Don’t! This time of year, our...
Poem: The Cord


Poem: The Cord

The Cord This poem about bereavement is beautifully written and completely true – no matter what, you and your angel will...
Life in The In-Between


Life in The In-Between

We are currently living in purgatory and quite honestly the Catholics played it down. We are one foot in “baby”, one foot in...
Breaking The Cycle


Breaking The Cycle

How many times have you caught yourself quoting directly from your mum or dad? Perhaps something as simple as the classic ‘why...
The Masterpiece


The Masterpiece

Dear Mummy To Be, Shitting. Now this is a hugely personal part of your day.  You and your beloved do not mention it or...
I Did Nothing Today


I Did Nothing Today

When children come home at the end of the day, the question they’re asked as they run out to play is ‘tell me what you...
Hand Print On The Wall


Hand Print On The Wall

One day as I was picking the toys up off the floor, I noticed a small hand print, on the wall beside the door.   I knew that...
The Worry of Motherhood


The Worry of Motherhood

When you first find out you’re pregnant you start to worry about all the ‘what if’s?’ What if something...
Poem: My Baby Boy & Me


Poem: My Baby Boy & Me

The house about us creaks and groans, the clock hands creep around. He snuggles closer to me still and makes his baby...
To My Second Born...


To My Second Born...

To my second born: I’m sorry we don’t get to have much one to one time, just you and me. You don’t get my...
When The Milk Runs Out...


When The Milk Runs Out...

When my son was born I was so excited to breastfeed him. Two weeks of tears (from both of us), scabbed and bleeding nipples and...
The Terrifying Twos


The Terrifying Twos

We often hear of the ‘terrible twos’, occasionally we read rebuttals about how the twos are actually...
The Ice Cream Man Lie


The Ice Cream Man Lie

Ever found yourself saying, “Sorry darling that’s far too spicy, you won’t like it”, about a cold slab of...
Rota Mum, My Experiences


Rota Mum, My Experiences

When my children were attending pre-school , there used to be a system known as rota-mum. This was where the mums (or dads) of the...
My Son, The Escape Artist


My Son, The Escape Artist

I swear, my son is the reincarnation of Harry frigging Houdini. Why am I even surprised? The apple doesn’t fall far from the...
You Know You Are a Mum When


You Know You Are a Mum When

You know you are a mum when… Everything in life revolves around sleep! Something that I used to take for granted has now become...
Am I Ready?


Am I Ready?

by Katie Hodgkins
Now that I am a proud mum of one. I often get asked the question…‘how will I know when I’m ready to have a baby?’ Firstly,...
Our Co-Sleeping Journey


Our Co-Sleeping Journey

Before Tristan was born I’d rearranged his Moses basket to look at more times than I could count. I’d put in his little...



Dear Joseph Today you reached double figures, the grand old age of ten. Everyone says it, but where has the time gone? A while...
The Sleep Thief


The Sleep Thief

It’s been a while since I dedicated a whole post to my favourite subject, lack of sleep. So this post comes hot off the press...
The Keeper


The Keeper

I knew I had come across that one in a million when not long after we had started going out (I think I am still young enough to...
The Day I Broke


The Day I Broke

I’ve decided to write this post, but if I’m honest, I’m not even sure I’m going to publish it… I just need to get it...
Helsinki With Kids


Helsinki With Kids

I’m half Finnish and I love going to Finland to visit my relatives. I absolutely love Helsinki and I have had the best times...
Tough Love


Tough Love

Tough love. The squire learnt a little lesson today through the means of this thing that is tough love. Though my baby still be a...
Matching Jumpers


Matching Jumpers

Buying matching jumpers: The moment I tried to convince myself to get excited for Oscar’s new brother or sister. The moment that...
Dummy or No Dummy?


Dummy or No Dummy?

During my time as a childminder I was asked; on a few occasions (usually by first time parents) what were my feelings towards...
More Than a Milestone...


More Than a Milestone...

I’ve just spent the last 10 minutes googling “what measurement is bigger than a mile” because I wanted to try and describe...
Buggy Bus Rage!


Buggy Bus Rage!

This week is all about what we have been up to the last week. A bit late due to a terrible cold taking over the house…. It...
Expect The Unexpected


Expect The Unexpected

Hair loss… aaaghr! Pregnancy, labour and newborn stages are sugarcoated. When the bad parts are mentioned, we are given a...
I Don't Love You...


I Don't Love You...

It’s exactly 2 months today until Isla turns 2. I’ve kept her alive for 22 months. Most months that’s all it feels...
Absent Parents


Absent Parents

Thanks to Tina for the suggestion of an absent parent, a difficult subject; but one I have had a little experience of. My boys,...
PND... The Turning Point


PND... The Turning Point

Written by Emma for her blog, Mummy Cookie. Dear Mama, I knew I was on a downward spiral, I felt empty, dis-engaged, my anxiety...
Before & After Kids


Before & After Kids

Written by Kim Thursfield for her blog, Kim T Mum of 3. You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter! I want to talk about the...
Behaviour Management


Behaviour Management

Written by Karen Dennis for her blog, The Next Best Thing To Mummy. You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter and...
A Sh*t Situation...


A Sh*t Situation...

Written by Bethany Dempsey for her Facebook blog, BD Blogs! As a mother we learn to adapt to things… For instance going to...
Playing Superwoman


Playing Superwoman

Written by With Love From P. You can follow her on Facebook and Instagram! As I sit here 8 weeks post baby, I have a range of...
My Plus Size Birth Story


My Plus Size Birth Story

It’s 1am and I’m writing this on the notes of my iPhone. Well I’m starting it, whether or not I’ll finish it on here or...
Hi Mama


Hi Mama

by Katie Hodgkins
I wrote this a few months ago for Hi Mama Letters. It was scary to post as I pretty much poured my heart out. Here it is in case...
The Top 20 Moments in Life


The Top 20 Moments in Life

A poll of 2000 people, part of a study conducted by high street hearing specialist Hidden Hearing, has identified the top 20...
Finding your Mo(m)jo


Finding your Mo(m)jo

Written by Nicole McAuley for her blog, These Wonder Years. You can follow her on Instagram here!   Nobody knows their...
We Have a New Baby PRINCE!


We Have a New Baby PRINCE!

The Duchess of Cambridge was admitted to the Lindo Wing at St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington, London, in the early stages of...
The Train of Life


The Train of Life

At birth, we boarded the train of life and met our parents, and we believed that they would always travel with us by our...
Masterchef Mommy


Masterchef Mommy

Written by Bethany Dempsey for her Facebook blog, BD Blogs! Masterchef mommy It begins at weaning. We start to question...
Give Yourself More Credit


Give Yourself More Credit

Written by Bethany Dempsey for her Facebook blog, BD Blogs! My friend text me this week. She said “I think I’m a shit mom; I...
Thank You To My 'Village'


Thank You To My 'Village'

They say it takes a village to raise a kid, and they were spot on, hit the nail on the head. It took me a while to see the...
Snuggle Me, Mama


Snuggle Me, Mama

Snuggle me, mama! I’m tired, but my cot is so vast and cold compared to the warmth of your arms & bosom… Snuggle...
A Tear-Jerker...


A Tear-Jerker...

Written by Louise Josephine for her blog, The Confusing Diaries of a Puzzled Mummy. You can follow her on Facebook here! I can...
Being Dad


Being Dad

Written by Martin Swift Being Dad… Memorable moments or some that you can`t wait to forget. As a new father I thought it...
But it's our life too!


But it's our life too!

Written by Bethany Dempsey for her Facebook blog, BD Blogs! “But it’s our life too…?” The selfish sound...
What Lies Beneath...


What Lies Beneath...

Written by Jenna Deacon for her Facebook blog, The Tale of The Twins & The Terrible Two – Stay At Home Mum Blog! OK, so...
Nappy Changing: How To


Nappy Changing: How To

Written by Deborah Louise Feather for her blog, Operation Arse Wiping. You can follow her on Facebook here! How to tell when...
I Miss The Old Me


I Miss The Old Me

Do you ever go through ‘Timehop’ or ‘On This Day’ to reminisce, and end up feeling a little bit blue? Yup,...
The Causes of Siblings


The Causes of Siblings

Written by Bethany Dempsey for her Facebook blog, BD Blogs! THE CAUSES OF SIBLINGS A lot of you have a lot to apologise for, let...
Mum Guilt is a Thing


Mum Guilt is a Thing

Written by Hayley Messenger for her blog, Life with Lola x You can follow her on Instagram here! It can strike anywhere, any...
Walk a Little Slower, Daddy


Walk a Little Slower, Daddy

Walk a Little Slower, Daddy Author Unknown “Walk a little slower, Daddy”, Said a little child so small. “I’m following in...
For One Last Time


For One Last Time

For One Last Time Author Unknown From the moment you hold your baby in your arms, You will never be the same. You might long for...
A Letter To All Mummies


A Letter To All Mummies

Dear all mummies… Dear mummy constantly sharing photos of her baby… Dear mummy who doesn’t put her kids faces on...
A Child To Love...


A Child To Love...

A Child To Love Author Unknown You can have your wealth and riches All the things so many seek, Position, power, and success, The...
Keeping Safe In The Cold


Keeping Safe In The Cold

Weather warnings are in place across the UK currently – it is imperative that we all keep safe! Here are a few quick...
The Last Time


The Last Time

The Last Time… From the moment you hold your baby in your arms, you will never be the same. You might long for the person...
Getting Out There!


Getting Out There!

Written by Deborah Ann Gajewski for her blog, Following Little Footsteps. You can follow her on Facebook here! This time last...
What Do We Do Now?


What Do We Do Now?

Written by Rosie Phillips for her blog, Baby Boys Rock. You can follow her on Instagram here! The first night at home is a...
11 Motherhood MUSTS!


11 Motherhood MUSTS!

Written by Amy Hignett for her blog, My Baby & Me. You can follow her on Facebook and Instagram! So we all know during...
URGENT: Inhaler Recall!


URGENT: Inhaler Recall!

A warning to parents of children with asthma or other respiratory conditions requiring an inhaler… Three batches of Ventolin...
Passing The Baton


Passing The Baton

Written by Chloe Dawson for her blog, Every Mum Ever. You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! Time for...
Feeling Inferior


Feeling Inferior

Written by Kimberley Gordon for her blog, Bump To Baby. You can follow her on Instagram! As I am constantly reminded, every...
The Elephant In The Room


The Elephant In The Room

Written by Deborah Louise Feather for her blog, Operation Arse Wiping. You can follow her on Facebook here! There’s two little...
Potty Training - Part 1


Potty Training - Part 1

Written by Anna Jane Manvell for her blog, My Meaningful Motherhood. You can follow her on Instagram here! To any of you...
It's All About Me...


It's All About Me...

Written by Lauren Reilly for her blog, Life of Reilly. You can follow her on Instagram here! Along with all the other bog...
Preeclampsia & Me


Preeclampsia & Me

Written by Adele Buckby Preeclampsia is a complete game changer! People are not aware enough of this condition; I personally...
Miscarriage & Moving On


Miscarriage & Moving On

Written by Gemma Chatzipanagiotis for Natural Parent Magazine. You can follow her via her blog, Facebook and Twitter! The...
More Judge Than Judy...


More Judge Than Judy...

Written by Lucy Kemery for her blog, Mum With No Manual. We go through life being judged and dealing with it. Hair, weight,...
Tiny Trends: Retro Rose


Tiny Trends: Retro Rose

The retro Peter Pan collar is a perennial style that always looks fabulous! We love this dress and tights set; the shade of pink...
Communication After Baby


Communication After Baby

Written by Alannah McClurg for her Instagram blog, Just A Mum. You spend 9-ish months preparing for a new life to enter yours,...
Smear For Smear Week!


Smear For Smear Week!

This week is important for all women; it’s Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, coined ‘smear for smear’ week on...
All The Single Mummies


All The Single Mummies

Written by Louise Josephine for her blog, The Confusing Diaries of a Puzzled Mummy. You can follow her on Facebook here! The...
Comparison Parenting


Comparison Parenting

Written by Jo Johnson for her blog, All The Family. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter! As women we are terrible...
Bridging The Gap


Bridging The Gap

Written by Nicole McAuley for her blog, These Wonder Years. You can follow her on Instagram here!   These 2 pictures were...
Mummy Hold Me Close...


Mummy Hold Me Close...

 Mummy Hold Me Close… …Daddy squeeze me tighter!  I read somewhere that today is world cuddle day but then when I looked...
Starting Nursery...


Starting Nursery...

Written by Hannah Sanderson for her blog, Play On. All of the emotions! Oh my goodness. My BABY starts nursery TOMORROW! I just...
Overthinking At 2am


Overthinking At 2am

Written by Meghan Brook for her blog, Me, Amelia and Diabetes. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter! It’s 2am...
Baby Blues & Me


Baby Blues & Me

Written by Gulshah Yilmaz for her blog, From Prada 2 Pampers. Name – Gulshah (but really pushing to be known as...
Thank You Midwife!


Thank You Midwife!

Written by Rosie Smith for her blog, Baby Boys Rock. You can follow her on Instagram here! I am deviating from the story to take...
Wilson's Prematurity Story


Wilson's Prematurity Story

Written for World Prematurity Day by Amy Slaven for her blog, Willing Wilson. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram and...
You Still Need Your Mum


You Still Need Your Mum

Written by Leila Airey for her blog, Learning to Cope. You can follow her on Facebook here! Even though you’re a mum, you still...
Meeting Santa...


Meeting Santa...

Written by Bethany Dempsey for her blog, You Forgot My Sauce. You can follow her on Facebook here! It’s the most wonderful...
Guest Bloggers Wanted!


Guest Bloggers Wanted!

Are You a Parent Blogger? Would you like your posts to be featured on our Facebook page with verging on 380,000 followers who...
Christmas Meal Inspo!


Christmas Meal Inspo!

Are you in the process of weaning your little one and unsure what to feed them over the Christmas period? I’ve created this...
The Feeding Argument


The Feeding Argument

Lianne Harris for her blog, Mrs Mummy Harris. You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter! Yesterday I wrote about our afternoon...
A Letter To My Eldest


A Letter To My Eldest

Lianne Harris for her blog, Mrs Mummy Harris. You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter! Dear Benjamin, We have just announced...
Merry Effing Christmas!


Merry Effing Christmas!

Written by Chloe Dawson for her blog, Every Mum Ever. You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! Christmas is such...
Poems About Cuddling


Poems About Cuddling

 Written by Jennie Bagot-Woods “Ode to Baby” You grew in a place accustomed to loss… so mum and dad loved...
Anger Awareness Week


Anger Awareness Week

This week is National Anger Awareness Week here in the UK, hosted by The British Association for Anger Management. What is the...
My Colic & Reflux Story


My Colic & Reflux Story

Written by Jasmin Manley Following a normal pregnancy and a fairly normal delivery after being induced, me and my partner...
The Magic of Christmas


The Magic of Christmas

Here at Bump, Baby & You we absolutely LOVE Christmas! It’s such a magical time that can be made extra special when...
Why I Feel That Fed Is Best


Why I Feel That Fed Is Best

Written by Charlotte Malik. Since giving birth, and even during pregnancy, I have had so many people trying to give me advice on...
Leanne's Birth Story


Leanne's Birth Story

Written by Leanne for her blog, Busy Little Lea. You can follow her on Facebook and Instagram! So it’s been just over 8...
Love After Baby


Love After Baby

Babies are wonderful, aren’t they? So wonderful in fact, it’s all too easy to get completely swept up in their perfection....
Photographs With Baby


Photographs With Baby

Written by Alannah McClurg for her Instagram blog, Just a Mum. In this day and age I feel there’s an unspoken expectation...
Moments of Clarity


Moments of Clarity

Written by Luca Russell for her Facebook blog, Just Luca.  Certain aspects of me before becoming a mum were very selfish, as...
Nurseries Ban Glitter


Nurseries Ban Glitter

Nurseries Ban Glitter In a move to help protect the marine environment from microplastics, nurseries run by ‘Tops Day‘...
CMPA & GERD - My Story


CMPA & GERD - My Story

My baby girl is 6 months old and suffers with Cow’s Milk Allergy and Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux disease. All through my teens I...
My Daily Rituals


My Daily Rituals

Written by Amy Hignett for her blog, My Baby & Me. You can follow her on Facebook and Instagram!   Lately I’ve been...
World Nursery Rhyme Week


World Nursery Rhyme Week

Happy World Nursery Rhyme week, mamas and papas! I bet you’re wondering… What IS World Nursery Rhyme Week? Well, World...
It Does Get Better!


It Does Get Better!

Written by Alannah McClurg for her Instagram blog, Just a Mum. It’s been 6 months since Harvey came earth side, and...
Me & My Mummy Body


Me & My Mummy Body

Written by Joanna Johnston for her blog, Lily B and Me. You can follow her on Facebook and Instagram. Who would have thought that...
Thank God For Mummy Groups


Thank God For Mummy Groups

Since becoming a mum my circle of friends has gotten smaller and smaller. Going from what seemed like knowing almost everyone in...



Written by Cath Saltern for her blog, The Honest Mum. You can follow her on Facebook here! I can see the fog slowly starting to...
URGENT: Boots Dummy Recall


URGENT: Boots Dummy Recall

RECALL NOTICE Parents, if you have any of these Boots own brands ‘air flow soothers’ in 0-6m and 6m+ for your little...
Not a Tiny Baby Anymore


Not a Tiny Baby Anymore

Not a tiny baby anymore… Written by Gracie Gee for her blog, Lucky21. It’s a big night tonight and despite the positives...
A Night Out At The Theatre


A Night Out At The Theatre

Written by Rachel Kelly for her blog, Tiny Toes and Mummy Woes I had a child free night out tonight. My mum looked after Amelia...
Cleo's Birth Story


Cleo's Birth Story

Cleo’s birth story *Trigger Warning!* I don’t even know where to begin… So after 2 cancelled inductions I was finally being...
My Saving Grace


My Saving Grace

Ten seconds. It took both tests what felt like ten seconds to tell me I was pregnant. It wasn’t a fairy tale moment. The...
NICU Awareness Month!


NICU Awareness Month!

September has been NICU Awareness Month over in the USA! And today, the 27th of September, is Neonatal Giving day! Here is our...
A Battle at Bathtime...


A Battle at Bathtime...

Written by Luca Russell for her blog, Just Luca. Every other night, Josh and I need to physically and mentally prepare...
Back To School


Back To School

 Back To School  I’ve been teetering on the idea of starting something like this for ages now, but on Tuesday, my...
It's OK, to not be OK


It's OK, to not be OK

It’s OK, not to be OK Most my blog posts are mainly funny little laughs about my day with a baby, and laughing at the not so...
Against All Odds


Against All Odds

My story is one to give positive hope to any women struggling with infertility, trying to conceive naturally as an older mother,...
Milestone Worries


Milestone Worries

Milestone Worries As if I didn’t have enough anxiety becoming  a new mum after the trauma of birth, failed breastfeeding...
Baby-free Moments...


Baby-free Moments...

Baby-Free Moments… Going to the supermarket with a child is a real pain in the arse, isn’t it.. Like you have to pack a...
It's Just Us Now!


It's Just Us Now!

It’s Just Us Now! It’s my son Mark’s 32nd birthday today. Thirty two years. Man, that’s a long time since I stood...
What We Consider The Norm


What We Consider The Norm

What we consider the norm… It’s funny isn’t it, a picture. They say a picture captures a thousand words (is that the...
A Poem: Violet


A Poem: Violet

Violet Faces, voices, hush. Everything done in a rush. I wanted to scream, ‘Get her out of me! Please, save my...
Sleep Safety: Our Guide!


Sleep Safety: Our Guide!

Sleep Safety: Our Guide! Sleep safety is such a vital aspect of raising a little one; it’s also the cause of major anxiety for...
The First Year Flies By!


The First Year Flies By!

The First Year Flies By! As corny and cliche as it sounds, the first year really DOES fly by. You know to expect it, but you...
B is for Bikini Body


B is for Bikini Body

B is for Bikini Body Recently I posted this photo on my Instagram with the caption: Spa day today. Longest...
I Love You, Daddy!


I Love You, Daddy!

I Love You, Daddy! (Obviously this is mummy writing, as Max is only 11 months old, but I have written it as how I imagine his...
Leave Our Bumps Alone!


Leave Our Bumps Alone!

Disclaimer: if you don’t like profane language, this won’t be your cup of tea. If you’re not easily offended...
Lets talk about sex!


Lets talk about sex!

*Disclaimer: always follow the advice of professionals. Just because I couldn’t control myself before the 6 week caesarean...
Here for you...
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